SFC Community
Here at SFC, we have a unique calling. We seem to always have this “you too?!” feeling when we meet a fellow Christian with a heart for shred culture. This is why we see ourselves as a family, but not just an ordinary family: a family on mission!
You might be the only Christian shredder in your area, or maybe you have already connected with some like-minded friends. If God has called you to this, we believe that this family is the place to get connected and encouraged in this global mission.
Join The Family
Search below to find others who are living this out near you! It could be an Individual serving their community, an active Group of leaders, or a Partner ministry living out the call to be a light on the hill. If you are looking for a specific SFC expression, feel free to type it’s name (“SFC Summit” for example) in the search field located in the menu above. If you can’t find a local connection, we encourage you to reach out to us! If there isn’t an official SFC presence yet, we may be able to connect you with SFC Alumni in the area.
You may notice a smaller set of SFC expressions in the list below, please be patient with us while we get all of our awesome leaders and partners online!
Start Something New
If you’re a skier or a snowboarder following Jesus, then YOU are a part of this movement! Welcome to the family! No Christian snowboarder or skier should embark on this journey alone. God is using us to reach people all over the world in different contexts. Which context below sounds most like you?

“It’s just me here…can I still be a part of this?” Of course you can! We have individuals all over the world being lights in their communities. Join now to receive access to resources, materials, and most importantly, our global community.

When a handful of people band together to minister to their community, it has a powerful supernatural impact. By joining a group, you’ll receive specialized training and build missional momentum in your area.

SFC is currently partnering with other ski and snowboard ministries. God is using multiple avenues to build His Kingdom here! If this is you, we’d love to encourage you by collaborating on events and sharing resources!
SFC Girls
Being a light on the hill is a unique calling, and we recognize that this culture can sometimes feel more like a boys’ club than an egalitarian mission field. As a part of SFC Girls, you’ll be encouraged to live out your specific calling from God in this culture, receive opportunities to connect and grow with like-minded sisters in Christ, and thrive out on the hill. We believe that girls bring unique Godly qualities to mountain communities, so we seek to create space and be a voice for women in shred culture.
Find us on Social Media
God has been growing the movement of His people in the ski and snowboard culture since 1995. Over the last 25 years, we’ve seen God draw thousands of people back to Himself, and we want you to be a part of it. Will you join us?