Alpine Church

Alpine Church

Alpine Church is a Vineyard church in Gilford New Hampshire. We are an outdoor site church connected with Lakes Region Vineyard Church in Laconia New Hampshire, part of the Vineyard Movement USA. The Vineyard family of churches is an international community committed to culturally relevant expressions of the love and grace of God in our communities.

We have found an authentic expression of our faith is experienced in the wild outdoors. Skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, hiking, or a leisure walk in the woods are places we encounter God’s love and are free to express our gratitude for the beauty that surrounds us. We invite you to join us for an outdoor worship service and to be a of a community of faith that grows around the joy of the outdoors!

About Alpine Church

During the operating season at Gunstock Mountain Resort we get together on Sunday mornings on the summit of the mountain. In the winter you can come via lift on skis or snowboard or hike up! Summer services are accessible via scenic lift rides or hiking!

During “non-operating” season in the spring and fall we hike up the Lakeview Trail on Lockes Hill to “comfy” stone chairs looking out over Lake Winnipesaukee with a direct view of Mount Washington and the White Mountains.

Mid week, Thursday nights, we get together for a meal and a formal Bible study in a couples home. It’s warm, welcoming, and very laid back.

We are connecting with this community more and more as we go into our second year as a church and are excited for all that God has for us to do! If you have questions or want to get involved, please DM or reach out via e-mail, we’d love to connect with you.


Katrina Keefe

Katrina Keefe

Leader (Point of Contact)

Lives in: Gilford, NH

Bryant Keefe

Bryant Keefe


Lives in: Gilford, NH

David Baker

David Baker


Lives in: Wakefield, NH

Melany Bowe

Melany Bowe


Lives in: Gilford, NH

Tyson Bowe

Tyson Bowe


Lives in: Gilford, NH

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COntact Alpine Church

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God has been growing the movement of His people in the ski and snowboard culture since 1995. Over the last 25 years, we’ve seen God draw thousands of people back to Himself, and we want you to be a part of it. Will you join us?