
Curious Shredders

27 kids… all their gear, aspirations, skills, and curiosity in one place at one time with a bunch of Jesus-loving, shredder adults. It's a perfect recipe for a weekend of ministry and fun. Drew Loring, SFC Support Office Staff, shortly after attending the Laax...

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The Latest News

Curious Shredders

27 kids… all their gear, aspirations, skills, and curiosity in one place at one time with a bunch of Jesus-loving, shredder adults. It's a perfect recipe for a weekend of ministry and fun. Drew Loring, SFC Support Office Staff, shortly after attending the Laax...

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Ready, Set, Action

Ready, Set, Action

Partners in ministry are a blessing. How cool is it that others are looking to minister to people through action sports?! SFC has been partnered with an incredible European organization, SRS-Unbound, for a long time. This partner seeks out adventure seekers, connects...

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It Just Kept Dumping

It Just Kept Dumping

It never stopped dumping. Snowflake after snowflake, inch after inch, the snow created an incredible powder playground for SFCers from across the U.S. and around the world to ski at Mt. Hood. God's. Perfect. Timing. A gift. The snow wasn't the only thing flowing...

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Weekly winter word

 Each Wednesday during the Northern Hemisphere Winter season, SFC releases a scripture-based devotional to encourage the wider SFC community.

Bonus: This Hope!

Bonus: This Hope!

All of face disappointments, loss, dreams put on hold; hope gets deferred at times. But this hope, we must continue to find it, even if we only see a glimpse.

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Them’s Fighting Words

Them’s Fighting Words

As God’s warriors, we get to wear “the full armor of God.” And we’re given a weapon! From our knees, using this weapon (prayer) we get to do so many things – there is nothing lame or tame about a prayer life!

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Walk with GOD

Walk with GOD

With lives busier than ever and more distractions than ever, this simple task of walking with God can be nearly impossible. Slow down and look for Jesus, talk with him more, maybe even go for an actual walk with Him.

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