Western Conference

A New Thing

You may have attended a Southwest or Northwest retreat over the past few years, and you may have attended a National Conference as well…

This fall we are launching the Western Conference!

The Western Conference will be a little bit like a combination of all three of those previous conferences. We are bringing together SFC’ers from all over the Northwest and Southwest regions of the U.S to connect, encourage and equip each other to live out our common mission as Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ. We will all be staying at a group campsite on the river just outside of Moab, Utah. This will be our home base for our adventures during the day and campfire time/speaker sessions at night.

Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ Southwest Retreat Group Fire
Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ Southwest Retreat Mountain Bikers

Beyond Do-Goodery

After some careful thought and prayer, we have landed on a topic for this year’s Western Conference:

Beyond Do-GooderyBringing real eternal value to your community.

From the outside, a lot of expressions of SFC around the world can tend to simply look like community service. It’s even a temptation at times to just do good, serve people, and stop there. As followers of Jesus, we know that there is a greater purpose behind our so called “do-goodery”. We do good in our communities as a means to show others a small glimpse of the love that Jesus has to offer them. But how do we move beyond community service, beyond just meeting tangible needs? We will be spending the evenings together to hear from a speaker, have intentional conversations, and pray for lives to be transformed all throughout the shred culture. We hope that you will see the value in joining your SFC community in the desert this fall to dive into this topic with us!

WHEN and where

October 26-29, 2023 at the Gold Bar Group Campsite in Moab, UT


If you live in the Southwest or Northwest regions of the US, this is for you! But of course, if you live elsewhere, you’re welcome to join as well.


$109/person. Ages 6 & under: free!

What’s included?

  • Six meals: Breakfast and dinner each day beginning Thursday with dinner and ending Sunday with breakfast. Be sure to bring your own food for lunch!
  • Group Campsite Reservation 
  • Programming and Speaker Costs

Be Sure To Bring Along:

Adventure Gear: Moab is a gateway to all things outdoors. With that said, bring whatever adventure gear you’d like! Easily accessible recreation from the campsite includes mountain biking, road biking, rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding and more!

Camping Gear: Bring your favorite camping setup! We have space for trailers, vans, tents, hammocks, or whatever rig you’d prefer. Nights can be on the cooler side in the fall, so bring warm clothes and appropriate sleeping bags and blankets.

Food: We will be providing grab-and-go breakfasts each morning and cooking dinner for everyone each night, but you will need to bring food for lunch. Be sure to bring any snacks and drinks you may want, too! And water. Plenty of water.

Need some help?

We’re here and ready to help you find what you need. We’re happy to supply more information about this conference, give you some packing tips, or even talk to you about the costs. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!