Our Team
A Family on Mission
The shred culture thrives on individualism. Jesus, however, entrusted the future of his church to eleven people who he taught and challenged to work as a team to advance the Good News. Here at SFC we believe that God has called us to make an impact in this culture as a team.
The global movement of SFC is supported by Support Staff Members, Movement Managers, and volunteers who actively live out the call to bridge the shred culture to Jesus, partnering with the local Church. Each individual’s involvement spans from part-time to full-time to volunteer, but our heart remains the same: to be a light in the shred culture.
Support Staff
Headquartered in Dillon, CO, USA, the Support Office is tucked between first class ski resorts like Breckenridge, Keystone, and Copper Mountain. The Support Office is made up of dedicated individuals, some local to Dillon and some remote, whose primary goal is to support God’s mission in the ski and snowboard culture.
Not only do we at the Support Office encourage and equip the global movement of SFC, but we consider it a priority to actually live it out personally. Each Support Office team member is actively involved in their local ski community and a local body of believers.

God has given me two big passions in life: Jesus and snowboarding. I never thought that these two things had much to do with one another until I met some crazy Jesus-loving shredders back in 2011. These individuals loved to ski/snowboard, but more importantly, they LOVED Jesus and wanted to teach others about Him. Now, through what I can only describe as God’s provision, my wife and I get to work with these crazy Jesus-loving shredders. Using my background in Biblical Studies (with a BS in Biblical Studies and a MA in Theological Studies), I have the privilege of developing discipleship/leadership resources that encourage and equip other skiers/snowboarders to carry out their God-Given calling to the “shred” community.

I had only skied a handful of times before joining the team here at SFC. Since I started following Jesus in college, I’ve always sought to be a bridge between whatever culture I was in and Jesus, whether that was rock climbing, school, or the tech industry. I was mainly just doing the things I loved with a missional mindset. In February 2020, I felt God calling me to Colorado to join SFC and be a bridge in the ski/snowboard culture. The I’ve-only-skied-a-handful-of-times thing became a non-issue when God showed us time and time again that this was His wild and crazy plan that was unfolding. I now serve as the Director of Operations and ensure that our systems and processes truly serve the “shredders for Jesus” that are a part of SFC all over the world.

The first chance I had to move to Colorado, I jumped on it. I am an avid skier with a passion for risk, outdoors, and adventure. Shortly after graduating Baylor University with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies, I packed up my things, and left for Colorado with intentions of riding the slopes as often as possible. Within three months of living in this gorgeous state, I heard about SFC from a small business owner in Breckenridge. “Sick ministry,” I thought to myself, but brushed it to the side. Fast forward three years… after experiencing the darkness of shred culture, having numerous visions of different ways to minister to those in the culture, and the Lord doing a significant amount of work in my heart, I can excitedly say I serve as the Digital Communications Specialist for Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ!

I grew up as a hyper-active snowboarder in Appalachia where I studied missions and married my high school crush. Living in Colorado since 2004, our two kids and local outreaches keep us busy. My title in the SFC Support Office is the “International Team Captain” because my giftings are mainly in the ‘doings’ of the mission (meeting, shredding, traveling, teaching with fellow Jesus-loving snowboarders and skiers). Since getting involved with SFC in 2002, I’ve found my passion in encouraging our fellow skiers and snowboarders to view their ‘toys’ as ‘tools’ to build the Kingdom of God in our dark subculture.

The only thing that I ever wanted to do since high school was to hang out with shred kids and talk about Jesus. I feel so blessed that I’ve been able to do that in various roles with SFC since 2009. My goal is to use my big picture perspective, business operations acumen, and team building skills to guide SFC alongside this amazing team. I’m even more thrilled that I get to bring my wife and three children along for the journey. God is good.

Claire is currently support raising for her role, and we are so excited for when she’s fully funded and can begin! We invite you to read her bio below and consider supporting Claire in this position!
My knowledge of SFC started with meeting Randy Schroeder and Marcus Corey in New Hampshire. I remember thinking “Wow, people who love Jesus and love snowboarding, this is perfect.” A few years later, after moving across the country, I was able to get involved with a local SFC group. That same season, SFC was looking for a bookkeeper and admin assistant. I jumped at the opportunity to get more involved with the ministry! By the end of that first season, God opened the doors to fully join SFC on staff! I see the Lord’s pursuit of me in this and how he’s providing a way to use the giftings and passions he has given me.

Hello! I grew up snowboarding park and backcountry in California’s playground of a mountain range, the Sierra Nevada. I now call Kalispell, Montana home. I have an ever-growing passion for all things action sports, and a love for all the unique and rowdy people within the communities built around these sports. I’m here to support operations within the United States! I absolutely love seeing more and more SFC activity pop up in places where shred ministry has never been done before, and I love seeing followers of Jesus recognize the special calling that God has placed on their life.

Cedric is currently support raising for his role, and we are so excited for when he’s fully funded and can begin working full-time! We invite you to read his bio below and consider supporting Cedric in this position!
Bonjour everyone, my name is Cedric, I am the man on the ground in Europe, serving our shredders in and around the Alps! I have been on the mountains ever since I could walk and now being able to combine my love for the Lord and the snow is absolutely AUSGEZEICHNET! Also powder > park Looking foward to see you in Europe!!!

Since getting on a snowboard for the first time at the ripe old age of 25, I have been hooked on the mountains, the sport and the culture. Thanks to a Facebook ad and the Lord’s direction, I got connected with SFC in 2018, when I flew from Sydney, Australia to a SFC conference in Colorado. I then spent 6 months the following year going SFC’s Leadership Development Program where I got to see SFC’s impact and mission in action.
Currently I am the SFC Australia Coordinator and the champion & cheerleader for SFC Girls, with my heart to build deep and life-giving relationships that shine Jesus into cultures, communities and lives that desperate need His light.

David is currently support raising for his role, and we are so excited for when he’s fully funded and can begin! We invite you to read his bio below and consider supporting David in this position!
My name is David. I’ve been involved in the ski and snowboard industry for around 23 years. Being from London, I had no natural ski slopes close by, so when I first got the bug for snow sports, it was on a dry plastic slope of thumb-breaking holes, friction burns, and mostly rain, yet… I LOVED it! Immediately, I wanted to go snowboarding on real slopes with my friends and organize trips to Europe as often as possible! I started running trips for friends, family, and my church’s youth group. I wanted to do more, but I didn’t know of any ministry I could connect with until a friend told me about Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ. I contacted the UK director, Andy Brumby, and soon, I became highly involved, helping him run trips to France and local meet-ups in my snow dome. Now, I get to bring a similar experience to the SFC office.

‘Kia Ora Koutou, Hello Everyone.
I’ve been involved with SFC since 2008 and am pumped to take on the role of National coordinator for NZ. I live in Christchurch with my wife Yvette and three sons Asher, Jaxon and Hosea. We love everything outdoors and you’ll often find us out camping, fishing, snowboarding and hunting. I have a passion for the snow culture here in NZ, to see lost souls reached for Jesus and a strong presence of Christian skiers and snowboarders here, the birth place of this crazy ministry we call SFC. ‘

We are JP (Jörg-Peter), Nora, Leo, and Eva. We are currently in our third term of service with OMF International. We started our journey as discipleship trainer and church planter over 20 years ago in Germany and moved to Japan in 2008.
Snowboarding and building pow surfers is something to stay sane and to meet people who need to hear about God‘s love in Jesus.
Connect with Us
If you have a question or aren’t sure who to contact, we’d love for you to reach out to us at the Support Office. We’re here for you!