Why join as an Individual?
While we believe strongly that our faith is intended to be carried out in the context of community, there are lots of unique circumstances that make joining the movement on your own the best option. Maybe you live in a country or town where there are no other Christians who ski or snowboard. Maybe your work situation won’t allow you to connect in a meaningful way with others that might want to be involved in your area. The SFC family has many compelling resources and benefits to support you as you seek to live out the calling to be the light of Jesus in your local shred community.
Whatever your situation, we ask that you’d prayerfully consider joining with an SFC Group or partner that already exists and seek first to rally others locally to join you before you decide to join the movement as an individual.
B.R.I.D.G.E. Your Community to Jesus
SFC individuals see their skiing and snowboarding as a God-created opportunity to live on mission in a dark culture. As an SFC Individual, you’ll creatively seek out ways to live out SFC’s B.R.I.D.G.E. values in your local context. Each community is unique and requires a unique approach. Wherever you find yourself in this culture, as an SFC Individual you’ll live out these values in the relationships, workplace, ski area, and local shop you regularly attend.
While the video below primarily showcases ways that SFC Groups are living out the B.R.I.D.G.E. values, it will help you see ways you can live them out as an SFC Individual.
Leading Within SFC
You’ve seen the way others have lived out this calling to be a light on the hill. Now, let’s get into the details. We’re convinced that being connected to the accountability and community of SFC is a huge benefit to actually carrying out this call.
SFC’s Resources
- Access to a global family of shredders for Jesus!
- Mentoring and coaching from your Regional, National, and/or Area Director
- Training materials for discipleship and evangelism in the shred culture
- Access to annual conferences and retreats for training and community
- Free and discounted SFC merchandise
Your Commitment
- Regularly attend and engage with a local church
- Communicate regularly with your Regional, National, and/or Area Director
- Abide by SFC’s Leadership Agreement
- If possible, attend one SFC conference or gathering each season
- Respond to Support Office messages and surveys
Your Impact
We believe that God wants to use ordinary, everyday people to be his hands and feet in the spheres they find themselves in. You don’t have to be seminary-educated, trained, or ordained to carry the name of Jesus into your shred community; you just need to be willing. By joining as an SFC Individual, you’re taking a tremendous step toward seeing a community transformed by the love of Jesus.

Join as an Individual
If you’re ready to join SFC as an Individual, simply fill out the form below and we’ll walk you through the process!
SFC will only use this information to support you best at your calling to be a light on the hill. We will never sell your data and will always delete anything you request. You will receive communications from us but it will only be about SFC and SFC activities/events.
Contact Us
If you’re interested in getting involved, but you’re not ready to make it formal, we’d love to hear from you.