European season Ender

Better Together

No better way to end the season than by having a last spring session on the glacier. We want to have a dedicated time together to appreciate all the ways God blessed us this season and to share stories and testimonies from the slopes. Join us for a festive season ender and celebrate with us His goodness!
people snowboarding sfc europe austria



2-5 May, 2024

How much?

Registration for the Euro Ender is as follows:
        0-6 yr : €0
        7-17 yr : €150
If you are under 18, you will need a written confirmation of your parent/guardian to confirm your participation or be accompanied by your parent/guardian (for those under 16 years old).

18+ Early bird (If you register before or on April 5, 2024):
                     2 Nights (Friday-Sunday): €130
                     3 Nights (Thursday-Sunday): €180

18+ Late bird (If you register after April 5, 2024):
                     2 Nights (Friday-Sunday): €150
                     3 Nights (Thursday-Sunday): €200

Please pay through PayPal or bank transfer upon registering. Our PayPal address is @SFCeurope. You can also wire to SFC Europe: BE85 9676 7399 8806.

Also, if the only thing stopping you from coming to this awesome weekend is the price, please reach out to us! We have a couple of scholarships available.

Cancellation within 1 week before the event results in partial reimbursement of 20%.

Ski tickets can be bought in advance online on the Kaunertal website.

What does registration include?

  • Lodging
  • Breakfast and Dinner each day
  • Conference Sessions

What does it not include?

  • Lunch on mountain
  • Lift tickets


Hotel Tia Monte
Grasse 226
6524 Feichten im Kaunertal, Austria

Hotel Tia Monte is a short drive from Kaunertal Glacier. It has been a wonderful place to host the Euro Season Opener and Ender for the SFC family over the last several seasons.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our man in Europe Cedric : [email protected]


Snowboarder Disciples studying the SFC trail map
Mountain and River in New Hampshire


Please fill out the form below to register for the Ender. If you would like to register more than one person, please fill out the form for each person individually.

Registration for this event is closed.

Need some help?

We’re here and ready to help you find what you need. We’re happy to supply more information about the Season Ender or help with costs if possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!