We would love to officially announce the arrival of the long-awaited SFC INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE.
This simple website (as some of you may know) has been years in the making. Bruce Nelson began the push years ago, and after debating over the formation of “an app instead of a site” at our last international conference in March 2013, the leadership decided to pull the trigger and make it happen. It’s currently small but concentrated…like a delicious bullion cube.
We are still a small-but-growing international organization made up of a network of leaders who have heard and responded to God’s calling to BE THE LIGHT OF JESUS WITHIN THE SHRED CULTURE! We have chosen to unite under the founding documents summarized HERE, and we look forward to growing together as an eternally-bonded-family as we all venture together in this bizarre calling. We understand that being a Follower of Jesus is not considered “cool” or “acceptable” within our culture, and we’ve been hearing about it from stone-throwers regularly for the past 17 years, so as a collective whole, we have chosen to venture together in unity for that very reason. What else can we say, “birds of a feather…”
Stay tuned here as we do more and share more in this expression of our conjoined passion and faith and compassion and creative inspiration. Jesus was a gnarly dude who made bold, outlandish claims about Himself and the purpose of mankind (and then backed up those words with bold, outlandish behavior). We love Jesus, we love our fellow shredders, and we love that our CReator continues to reveal Himself to those who have an ear to hear and an eye to see. Be blessed and join us in our favorite, shared commission, “BE A LIGHT ON THE HILL.”