It shall come to pass

Dec 21, 2016 | Devotionals

Ephesians 5:13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

Politics: that popular word. Just before I left for Switzerland to serve at the YWAM base, I was given the right to vote for independence for Scotland. When I returned to the UK, we were then asked to vote and decide whether to leave or stay in the EU. This is not to be confused with the geographical place of the UK in Europe, as that will never change unless we start drifting further out into the Atlantic ocean.

To be truthful, I saw myself getting caught up in the hysteria of both referendums. Even though my head told, “Do not worry,” I was over thinking what would happen and what would the outcome mean. Things finally turned when the head and the heart connected. The heart, being guided by the Holy Spirit, reminded me again and again all these things shall come to pass.

Too much thinking like that can bring a crippling effect. It produces fear, worry, and doubt. I’m not saying we should be removed from the world and its problems, but we are only passing through on planet earth. God asks us to use the time we have here intentionally and wisely; our eternal perspective will affect our earthly perspective. Colossians 3:2 commands, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Always strive to prevent earthly situations from changing our eternal perspective. These experiences teach and mould us for future events. More importantly, they let us know and receive the peace that passes all understanding. Peace like this is necessary in the times when we question God and His ways such as through poor health or friends’ sufferings.

During that year away in Switzerland, my Gran’s dementia worsened to the point where when I returned to Scotland, I wasn’t recognised as her Grandson. That was especially tough as I had always regarded myself as her favourite☺. To those who know that illness, it can be tough to watch. However I thank God that this is not her home. I hold onto the truth that John describes when he sees a new heaven and a new earth; it brings joy and assurance knowing all these things will pass. Those I love that decided to put their trust in Jesus will someday no longer suffer.

REV 21:4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things ARE passed away. It shall come to pass.

Joseph also experienced this truth after being sold into slavery by his own brothers. After all that had happened, God worked amazingly in his life bringing him from the pit to Pharaoh’s palace. I’m sure Joseph would’ve questioned God and doubted His plan. When we know the outcome of this story, we can see God working, I love the grace that Joseph later shows his brothers after their selfishness and envy forced him unfairly into slavery and prison. Joseph had to hold onto the truth that all these things shall come to pass.

If you find yourself in this current season experiencing a valley that seems to have no end in sight, be encouraged and declare that it shall come to pass. When we walk in the light of Christ, we know that the Holy Spirit will strengthen and encourage us with a renewed mind and heart pressing on to be the light of Jesus.


What are we focusing on that is bringing fear or doubt into our lives?
When conversations are turning negative or you know someone who is in that valley experience, are we willing to go alongside them and speak hope and life?


By Brian Rae | Aberdeen, Scotland


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