SFC Midwest Regional conference 2023

Oct 31, 2023 | News

The Midwest regional conference was a fantastic time of storytelling, connection, and celebration of what God has done through faithful service over the last 20 years. When planning the day of meetings at the Help Board Shop in Edina, Minnesota, I had a vision of a dozen or so young shredders that we’d never met before filling the shop’s couches and skate park. We started to pass around the vision for the event and watch registrations roll in. The main demographic that responded to the call was primarily the “old-timer” SFCers who have been making disciples of Jesus in the area for decades.

Initially, we had planned to cast vision of how simple it can be to get started in shred ministry. Instead, as a result of the demographic who registered, we flexed the schedule to focus on sharing the wisdom in the room instead. This resulted in a beautiful display of God’s people at work. We spent almost half of our time together simply catching up on life, ministry, and what’s next for each person in the room.

Some days, our work in ski and snowboard ministry can leave us feeling isolated or like no one understands the actual work and spirit in what we do. The Midwest conference was an amazing, one-day opportunity to unite the people who “just get it.” It was a time to share, encourage one another, and pray together. I wouldn’t trade that time for the world.


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