Wow. What a season! Across the northern hemisphere the ski areas are closing and the SFC groups are wrapping up their events and gatherings. Our leaders are looking to the summer to spend time discipling those they’ve made relationships with or just to get away and rest. They’ve worked hard through the last 6 months and they all deserve good break!
Each year SFC across the world continues to grow. More and more people are responding to the calling God has given them to step up and lead others to Christ in their local communities. From camps to ride days to feeding riders quesadillas on the hill, our leaders have done it all this season. Next year will only add more to the international network!
Will you join us in praying for our local leaders across the world? We know God has been doing awesome work in their communities and sometimes this works isn’t easy. We pray that they can find rest and relaxation this spring and that they can turn to their local church and community to get filled up.