In March 2014, the leaders of SFC gathered together in Nagano, Japan and asked us to take over the leadership role for SFC International. We all determined that the international role needed to be a “group effort” to avoid any potential ethnocentricity as a result of an organization lead by one leader in one nation. We dreamed about a core group of international leaders that could share the ownership and responsibility together.
In April 2016, we gathered the leaders of some of the larger SFC movements around the globe to discuss our past, present and future for the organization. We met in a borrowed house in Florida and took strategic time to wrestle through SFC’s potential strengths and weaknesses. We prayed for opportunities and discernment on the road ahead. We fished in the pond behind our house and threw marshmallows at each other (we unsuccessfully used them to catch a huge alligator). We made sure to cover all the bases, but at the end of our time together we all left encouraged, refreshed and more confident that God has a big plan for us together as a family in the SFC movements around the world. Thanks to all the generous individuals who opened their homes and cupboards to us to make this dream (and the promising future ahead of us) become a reality!