Meet Our New Staff

Jun 27, 2024 | News

Okay, guys! We have some incredible new staff members we want you to meet…

We are thrilled to introduce our new team members, each of whom brings a unique set of skills and experiences. Over the past few years, we have had the privilege of getting to know them and hearing their inspiring stories. Through various God-ordained moments, they have been invited to join our team. Once they are fully funded, they can dedicate their time and energy to our shared mission. We encourage you to read their bios, keep them in your prayers, and consider supporting them on their journey. 

Meet Cedric!

European Director– Bonjour, everyone. My name is Cedric. I am the man on the ground in Europe, serving our shredders in and around the Alps! I have been in the mountains ever since I could walk, and now being able to combine my love for the Lord and the snow is absolutely AUSGEZEICHNET! Also, powder > park  . I’m Looking forward to seeing you in Europe!!!

Meet Jason!

Partnerships and Outreach Specialist– Greetings! I’m Jason Anderson. I have been snowboarding for 18 years – 8 years, of which I spent as a professional snowboarder. I began as a rail specialist and competed at a high level before transitioning my focus onto the sport’s creative content and social marketing side. I often rode 200 days a year by balancing both the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere winters. This helped me learn the ins and outs of snowboard culture worldwide. Growing up in rural Virginia instilled in me a deep love for the outdoors, which continues to fuel my passion for outdoor sports – and the years of travel expanded my love for fellowship, connection, and spiritual growth. I enjoy sharing my experiences and mentoring young athletes looking to push their boundaries. I believe firmly in the idea of “better together” and seek to spread that by connecting turns on the hill to people in the community.

Meet David!

TIME Travel Manager– My name is David. I’ve been involved in the ski and snowboard industry for around 23 years. Being from London, I had no natural ski slopes close by, so when I first got the bug for snow sports, it was on a dry plastic slope of thumb-breaking holes, friction burns, and mostly rain, yet… I LOVED it! Immediately, I wanted to go snowboarding on real slopes with my friends and organize trips to Europe as often as possible! I started running trips for friends, family, and my church’s youth group. I wanted to do more, but I didn’t know of any ministry I could connect with until a friend told me about Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ. I contacted the UK director, Andy Brumby, and soon, I became highly involved, helping him run trips to France and local meet-ups in my snow dome. Now, I get to bring a similar experience to the SFC office.

Meet Claire!

Operations Coordinator– My knowledge of SFC started when I met Randy and Marcus in New Hampshire. I remember thinking, “Wow, people who love Jesus and snowboarding, this is perfect.” It wasn’t till a few years later, after moving across the country, that I was able to get involved with a local Group. That same season, SFC was looking for a bookkeeper and admin assistant, so I jumped at the opportunity to get more involved with the ministry. By the end of that first season, God opened the doors to join SFC on staff fully! I see the Lord’s pursuit of me in this and how he’s providing a way to use the giftings and passions he has given me.


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