Meet Libor! An sfc individual in the czech republic

Jul 13, 2023 | News

Since he was three years old, Libor has been out on the ski hill. For a period of his life he was involved in freestyle skiing, where he quickly recognized the darkness found in the ski culture. Between Libor’s love for skiing and his heart for Jesus, he knew he had to take action and step into the darkness as a light for Christ. Moved by what he was seeing, Libor combined his two greatest passions and started a Christian Ski Camp. He hosts the event for one week each winter. The camps are for everyone. Believers and nonbelievers, skilled shredders and beginners alike attend.

Libor started his ski camp before he even knew that SFC existed. One day he googled “Christian skiers” and Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ showed up on his search page. He shared with us about his heart for ministry in the shred culture. He told us about his ski camp. And eventually he officially joined the movement as an Individual with SFC!

In previous years, running camp on his own has felt hard and tedious. It costs Libor a lot of time and money to make it happen. Last season, he had a hard time finding accommodations for hosting campers, and this year he contemplated whether he should even host it again. While he was at SFC’s Season Opener in Europe, surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ who were doing the same type of work around the world, he prayed about running it again and prayed for the perfect accommodations. He only had a few weeks to finalize the logistics. Everywhere he tried to book had a roadblock. The last day of his time at the European Opener, he received an email from someone offering to accommodate his campers! The place was such a great deal and location that he’s already booked it for next year! This answer to prayer showed Libor that God was still in it.

A few of the ski instructors Libor had lined up fell through a few days before the event was set to kick off. At the last minute, he found a Czech girl who was able to fill in! She was not a Christian, but while helping out during the week she got to hear the gospel! She also had multiple spiritual conversations with other staff and attendees. Libor says “I saw God move through camp this year. God helped me through the week.” Between schooling and his two jobs, Libor is a busy person and needed God’s strength and help to make this year’s camp happen. Libor says he had his own plans but God showed him that His plans were better!

Libor lives in the Czech Republic. It is not normal to talk about Jesus, and people often laugh or walk away if you do. It is abnormal to host a Christian camp, but Libor knows the importance of it, especially in shred culture. Ministry there is small, and Libor has felt for a long time like he was the only one actively doing shred ministry. After hosting camp this summer he hosted a questionnaire. Many people commented about how encouraging the week was for them. He was also blessed by a handful of connections from the session who were curious about becoming involved with SFC. Many people wanted to help out with ministry. God is raising up a small army of shredders for Christ in the Czech Republic! We are so happy to have Libor serving as an Individual with SFC.


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