A year and a half ago, the SFC International community asked us to take over the leadership of “SFC International”. You may wonder, “what does that mean exactly?” Yeah. That’s what we asked too. What does it look like to “head up” this grassroots Holy Spirit movement of shred kids in shred towns all over the world? Where does one start in “leading this group of shred kids dedicated to being the light of Jesus in their communities”?
We said, let’s start on setting some framework around the common points of what we’ve all felt God call us to do. Then let’s start to spend more time together building trust and accountability and relationships to serve one another, because we’re definitely all stronger together than separate.
Over the last year and a half I’ve had the amazing privilege of spending quality time just hanging out, eating together, shredding together, praying and worshipping and reading the Bible together, running events together and ultimately growing together as a family with our SFC leaders around the globe.
This video is our first unified act of saying WE ARE THE SFC INTERNATIONAL FAMILY & THIS IS WHO GOD CALLS US TO BE. I couldn’t be any more excited to be working alongside these, my brothers and sisters, being the light of JESUS in the international shred culture. Through good times & bad, it’s amazing to have family support.