In The Beginning

Dec 19, 2023 | Devotionals

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”  Genesis 1:1-2

The book of Genesis is soooo good and establishes a foundation for the bible (which is under attack like never before). It is where the culture has aimed its missiles and has blown apart the faith of many youth today. It is where we learn so much about who God is, what it looks like to walk with God, learn about sin and its consequences, CREATION, our history, our ancestors. If we slow down and study the words as we go, even just the first three chapters, the information revealed will blow your mind and build your faith. The amount of information easily available and good science that is being done is to be celebrated, because it always proves the Bible to be historical, and it is countering the world view belief systems that has been pushed on youth under the name of science. 

Take the first two Verses of the Bible. Most have heard the line that the first few chapters are not about creation, but about God, which set up the whole Bible, it’s all about God!  “Beginning” doesn’t mean anything unless something is attached to the word. Creation has a start. What does Heaven mean here in verse one? The Bible refers to 3 different examples Heaven. Birds of the air (our atmosphere), the expanse (the universe and space), and a place of spiritual beings. “Earth” here is without form. “Face of the deep,” what was earth at this time? Who was there at the beginning of creation? Hint end of verse 2. Also, read John 1:1-11. 

No one was there at the beginning but GOD (the Trinity), and we do have some amazing signs of things that have happened in the past. Bring the one person that was there at the beginning along with you into your science studies and start to see dots connected like never before. 

Spend time contemplating. Ask the tough questions. The website “Answers in Genesis” has an incredible amount of great information and good science. 


  • Who was there at the beginning?

  • What does the word Heaven refer to?

  • What might have earth looked like on day one of creation?

By Andy Finch|Tahoe, CA


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