Please Have Your ID Ready

Mar 28, 2023 | Devotionals

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are!” (1 John 3:1)

Recently I was blessed to be an on-snow counselor at a faith-based ski/ride retreat for kids. The theme of the weekend was “Identity”. When I first heard it, I thought about all the many times in our modern world where we are asked to “provide ID.” At ski resorts with a lively nightlife scene, showing ID to get into a club is a given. But what about when God asks us the same? What will our ID look like at the gates of heaven? 

On the first night, our small groups talked about in what people, places or things do we find our identity. Websters Dictionary defines identity as “the distinguishing character or personality of an individual”. In that first gathering, many of us gave answers like “I am a skier, boarder, racer, park rat, etc.” 

As the retreat progressed and we gathered in slopeside devotionals and evening small groups, our responses changed into recognizing and taking ownership of who we are in Christ. The world may demand us to “identify ourselves” in the many “roles” it asks us to play, but our true identity can only be found in Jesus Christ.

Since the things that we DO can become the things that we ARE, we as believers must be discerning. The choices we make every day—how we dress, speak, think, eat, drink, spend our time, with whom we hang out and how we interact with others—these habits and activities can eventually become our identity. And when we get asked for it at heaven’s door, what will our ID look like?

We must stay rooted in Scripture surrounding “identity” and be centered and grounded on the one true thing about us as believers: That we are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

The next time we are “asked for our ID”, let us proclaim our identity in the excellence of Him who called us into His light in everything we do, say and think!



  • Look at your phone and ask yourself, “Of what do I take the most pictures? What do I post about the most on social media?” These are good indicators of where your heart lies and in what you may be placing your identity.

  • Have you experienced walking out any of the ways our identities are found in Christ as denoted in Scripture? Has that changed the way in which you spend your time each day?

  • What’s something that you can change today to live more like your identity is found in Christ?

By Donna Devlin|Bethlehem, NH


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