God On The Move In Australia

Jun 27, 2024 | News

G’day Mate!
Did you know it’s winter south of the equator?! Did you know we have SFC in Australia?! Did you know there are sick ski resorts in the “land down under”?! Well, whether this is news to you or not, God is on the move through SFC Australia, and we want to tell you all about it. 


Anna Schrafft is SFC’s Australian National Coordinator. She is an incredible human being and a great friend to many. Anna also heads up SFC Girls, a part of SFC specifically built to encourage female riders in the shred culture. When she isn’t boarding, Anna can be found at the beach or with her head in a good fiction novel. A few years ago, Anna was sitting in her living room, scrolling on FaceBook. She was in a hard life season and feeling “crumpled.” She saw an ad for the SFC Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado, on her feed. So, Anna messaged SFC’s account, and we responded by encouraging her to come to the conference! She immediately asked off work, booked flights, and headed to America to see what this organization was about. Anna had never been to Colorado before. She knew absolutely nobody upon arrival and had no clue that this trip and conference would change her life. Now, she is an integral part of SFC’s ministry.


Let’s dive into Australia’s ski season, which is unique in its own way. It’s short, but that doesn’t stop the shredders from hitting the slopes. Despite the short season, many still need to hear the good news of the gospel. In Australia, there are six well-known resorts. In the state of New South Wales, there is a relatively isolated town called Jindabyne. There lies Perisher and Thredbo resorts. Among these significant resorts is a smaller one, Selwyn Snowfields. In Victoria, Mt. Buller, Falls Creek, and Mt. Hotham are popular resorts! SFC is currently connected with various partners in NSW and Victoria, making a difference in these unique ski destinations. 

We want to share with you a story about a family Anna knows that felt a specific calling a few years ago to spread the gospel in Jindabyne. They didn’t just feel the calling; they acted on it. They confidently picked up their life and packed up their belongings to move to this remote ski town! The family is a part of Village Church, a small church in town that started during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, it has grown and become more established throughout the ski area. Their story is a powerful testament to the impact SFC is making in these remote ski towns, and it’s a story that connects us all, a story that you can be a part of. 


It is SFC Australia’s hope, prayer, and vision to raise up new leaders this winter, meet more Christians in ski areas, and build a deeper connection among believing shredders. 


Want to participate in SFC Australia? Well! Good news: We have a couple of different ways you can. If you live and shred in Australia or know someone who does, reach out to [email protected]. She would love to connect with you. Please join us in praying for the hope and vision of SFC Australia this season. If you want to help further the missional possibilities of SFC Australia, click the link below to generously take part in the mission. Select “General Fund” and make a note that your gift is for SFC Australia. We are elated to share with you about the work God is doing in Australia and invite you to participate in it! 


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