Ready, Set, Action

Ready, Set, Action

Partners in ministry are a blessing. How cool is it that others are looking to minister to people through action sports?! SFC has been partnered with an incredible European organization, SRS-Unbound, for a long time. This partner seeks out adventure seekers, connects...
It Just Kept Dumping

It Just Kept Dumping

It never stopped dumping. Snowflake after snowflake, inch after inch, the snow created an incredible powder playground for SFCers from across the U.S. and around the world to ski at Mt. Hood. God’s. Perfect. Timing. A gift. The snow wasn’t the only thing...
Better Together 2024

Better Together 2024

A new season, a new European Season Opener… And boy, what a fantastic edition it was! Not in the ways you would think at first, because if you think of it, it was a crazy experience for most of us! Nonetheless, in my eyes, it was a successful edition and...
A Much Needed Retreat

A Much Needed Retreat

I’m settling in from my travel home to New Hampshire from Colorado. SFC believes in family living on mission together, so my wife and four children joined me for a much-awaited SFC staff retreat weekend tucked in the mountains near Buena Vista, Colorado. We have...
The 40 Hour Prayer Chain

The 40 Hour Prayer Chain

Cedric’s Recap: Exactly one month ago, SFC France took bold steps into unknown territories. After months of planning and many meetings, we gathered at the foot of the French Alps in the town of Annecy for what would become a weekend of prayer, fellowship, and,...
Jared’s Story

Jared’s Story

I moved to Colorado in January for an indoor children’s ski and snowboard instructor job at a school outside Boulder.  After starting my job and settling in, my first Sunday living in Colorado, I visited a small house church in Boulder and was introduced to one...