Announcing: The SFC Podcast

Sep 29, 2021 | News

Well…we’re starting a podcast. We may be a little late to the game. But we’re on board now. 

But why, though? Why is SFC creating a podcast? Aren’t there enough podcasts out there? Why add another one? What kind of information can you possibly hope to share that hasn’t been shared already? Wow. Great questions. First, let me just say…yes. There are a ton of great podcasts out there, run by amazing communicators, and filled with tons of fascinating, challenging, and relevant information. 

You should go listen to them. They’re super helpful. 

Our podcast will not be that.

Just kidding. 

We really do pray that this podcast will be helpful!

All kidding aside, though, why is SFC creating a podcast? Well, it’s really pretty simple.  It boils down to two main reasons:

First, we’re creating a podcast because you asked us to create one. Some of you may remember that just before COVID hit the world, our support office sent out a survey asking people what kinds of resources they wanted from us. We wanted to know how we, as the support office, could best encourage and resource all of you who are out there on the front lines meeting people and proclaiming the love of Jesus. When the results came back, an overwhelming majority of the participants asked for more online resources. And while several online resources were cited, a podcast was by far the most popular answer. People wanted something that was accessible, relevant, and easily digestible. And so that’s what we’re setting out to do. We’re creating a podcast to give people something simple and relevant – something that people can take with them to the hill. That’s the first reason. You asked for it. So we’re trying to deliver.

The second reason we’re creating a podcast is because we BELIEVE in the power of story. Stories are influential. They challenge us. They move us. They inspire us. And they call us to see beyond ourselves: To a new reality. To a new way of being. To what’s possible. 

A podcast provides space for that. Podcasts are a great platform to capture stories and that’s what we want to do. We want to capture stories from people all over the world who are on the hill day after day engaging with people. We want to hear how Jesus has both transformed and informed their lives. And we want to hear how Jesus is impacting and changing their communities. 

When stories are told well, they can help create direct experiences that inspire us to go out and generate incredible change.

In closing, while there are a ton of great resources out there already…there are not many podcasts that directly relate to the unique (and niche) calling of ski/snowboard ministry – meeting and ministering to people on the mountain. Our hope is that this podcast will meet that need. We hope that this podcast is a resource for people who see how dark the shred industry can be…and pray that it gives them a little bit of hope.

Keep an eye on our social media and your inbox for when the first episode drops next week. Sign up/follow at the links below.


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