A wise man once told me, “If your travel before a ministry trip goes smoothly, the devil is not bothered with it.” I kept that in mind as I drove up to the airport, and behold, the first hour of my Time Travel Trip to the UK was anything but boring: my booking and I were not to be found in the system, my board bag almost didn’t get checked in, I got pulled over for an additional security check, and upon my arrival at the gate, I saw how our flight got delayed. I couldn’t be happier! The devil is interfering, but my eyes are set on Him, and He even blessed me with the opportunity to share the gospel with the person sitting next to me on the plane!
My travel buddy for the trip was none other than the best Czech guy ever to live, Libor Osouch. Libor and I started attending SFC conferences three years ago, and look at us now! Upon our arrival in Glasgow, we were welcomed by the smile of an SFC hero, Jenny, and for the next two days, she showed us around Glasgow, together with Bobby and Andrew, who cooked the most impressive Scottish meal (yes, I do love haggis) for us. There was no shredding here because their indoor dome closed down, and there was not enough snow in the Scottish Highlands.
A time travel to the UK means indoor shredding. That is how the SFC UK crew on this little island bridges the shred culture and Jesus. They organize hangouts in the park, movie nights, etc. There are active Jesus-loving shredders in the UK. SFC legend and UK National Coordinator Andy Brumby organizes worship sessions at the church he and his crew started in the mall where the local ski dome is situated! Genius! Shred the park Friday evening and invite people to church for a hangout! Conrad, in Milton-Keynes, does not have a church at hand, but his attitude to keep showing up and to keep serving the tiny local community of skiers and snowboarders for nearly a decade is worth looking up to.
Altogether, Libor and I traveled for six days, of which we spent 2 hours and 10 minutes on the slopes. It was not what we had hoped for, but the warmth and kindness with which we were welcomed each time is what truly set this trip apart! As we were invited into people’s lives and homes, we got a taste of who these people are and witnessed their hearts for Jesus and our unique ministry. SFC in Europe has its own identity, SFC UK has its own identity, and I love it! I pray for togetherness for the SFC’ers across this nation and for new leaders to come up and continue this indoor shredding ministry.
Libor and Cedric